Shown below is the list of accepted teams for the 2020 Minnesota Fall Finals 11U-15U tournament for the age group.
B14/15U 6 - Accepted Teams
Group Club/Team Name Team ID  Head Coach
 A1 Richfield Soccer Association
Richfield Soccer Association - B14
0SRFL-RFLBAB15-0160   Hugo Urbina
 A2 Owatonna Soccer Association
Owatonna Soc - B15
0SOWT-OWTBAB15-0010   David Beaver
 A3 Urban Ventures Athletics
Urban Ventur - B15
0WUSS-USSBAB15-0006   Alejandro Martinez
 B1 Orono-Westonka Soccer Club
Orono-Westonka Soccer Club - B15 Black
0WOWS-OWSBAB15-8924   Chris Barry
0ESYE-SYEBUB15-0022   Abdirizak Said
 B3 Central Minnesota Youth Soccer Association
Central Minnesota Youth Soccer Association - B15
0WCMS-CMSTOB15-0059   Emily Willaert